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The Lamar Democrat and Sulligent News
Vernon, Alabama
June 10, 1998     The Lamar Democrat and Sulligent News
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June 10, 1998
Newspaper Archive of The Lamar Democrat and Sulligent News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 6 4 THE LAMAR DEMOCRAT AND SULLIGENT NEWS "The Weekly Read Daily" Ill II -- m I Grove Baptist Church, Program will be celebrated Sun- Caledonia, Mississippi. All are day, June 14, 1998. Sunday invited to attend. Come sing, or School 9:30 a.m., 10:45 service mar come and listen to the singers at Porter St. Paul C.M.E. sing. Church, Northport, ALThecel-]:FA NEWS lnt00 sv Correction of names left off. ebration begins with a Prayer A typographical error in your Breakfast 8:00 a.m. Speaker last week report of the 1998 10:45 service is Sister Brenda Executive Committee of the Reed. Pastor Elder Charles B. BY: HELEN McCOLLUM Bro. Metcalfe Speaks At Powell Chapel Evangelist John ttenry Clay and Mrs. Clay from Pasadena. Calitomia stopped in for a brief moment to extend an invitation to the Gospel Meeting under a tent off Brown Street in Sulligent, the last week in May. Following the Gospel Meeting in Sulligent, they moved on to Guntersville, AL for the past week's meeting. The Alabama/Mississippi Note Book Singing is Sunday, June 14th, 1998, in Anderson Pain.may be] ehmlnated I Ifor million00 SPECIAl.) -- A drug that is excit ng researchers in the treatment ol ai n h as been tbrm u lated into a neu )roduct known as "Arthur ltis " md is being called a "Medical Mirach, "by some, in the treatmenl of debilitating conditions such a! arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, pain. ful muscle aches,joint aches, simple backache, bruises, and more. AI. though the mechanism of action i! unclear, experiments indicate tha Arthur Iris relieves pain by firsl selectively attracting, and then de stroying the messenger chemica which carries pain sensations to the brain, thus eliminating pain in th affected area. Arthur Itis. is avail- able immediately without a pre, scription in an odorless, greaseless non-staining cream or new roll-or lotion forrn. Arthur Ills, is guaran- teed to work or your money back, © 19' Siclllr IhMIh i'OdllCl [no US OPliy as directed AVAILABLE AT: SUPER SAV-ON-DRUGS # 14 9370 HWY. Ig 695-7599 THE THREE L.C.T.S. Social and Welfare Club. Mrs. Nather L. Turner is Financial Secretary/Treasurer and Mrs. Geraldine Shambry, Correspondence Secretary. I re- gret the error very much and apologize if it caused any incon- venience to anyone. The L.C.T.S. Social and Welfare Club met the past Thursday night in the Murray/ Todd Community Foundation, 75 Murray/Todd Loop, Vernon, AL for their business meeting. The Executive Committee was present with two other persons, Mr. Avon Truelove and Mr. Joe Washington. Appointees to the Board were Mr. Joe Washington Sgt. At Arms, Mr. Avon True- love Advisor and Parliamentar- ian. The organization name re- vised is L.C.T.S. and Todd High School, (T.H.S.) Social and Welfare Club. The District Conference for the Tuscaloosa District is June 12-13, 1998, in Porter St. Paul C.M.E. Church, Northport, AL. The Youth and Young Adult Conference will also be com- bined with the District Confer- ence. All Delegates are expected to be present. Rev. Charles Wil- liams, Pastor, Elder J. H. Lowe, Presiding Elder. Sympathy is extended to the family of Mr. J. B. Wallace in the Roxanna Community. Re- ports are Mr. Wallace passed away the past Saturday morning. At press time, no arrangements have been announced. Ms. Beverly Spearman passed away the past Saturday night. Our sympathy is extended to the Spearman family, Hamilton, AL. Birthdays: Mr. Hobart Goode, Sr. (In Memory) June 4th; Ms. Carolyn Wallace (Neica) June 5th; Ms. Martha Golden, June 6th; Mr. Mark Benedict, Ms. Emma Golden Bouldes, June 7th; Mr. Willie Metcalfe (Brown), June 8th; Ms. Dorothy McReynolds, June 9th; and Mr. John T. Summers (In Memory), June 10th. The Annual Women's Day Williams, Jr. If you need other directions, etc, church phone 205-758-3409. :)i 11 iT' Steward and Stewardess Day was observed in Powell Chapel C.M.E. Sulligent, AL, Sunday, June 7th, 3:00 p.m. Lawman Bro. Guy Metcalfe was Keynote Speaker. Theme was "The Gos- pel Applied to Daily Living." Bro. Metcalfe touched and ex- pounded on many Gospel writ- ings and exploited on issues of commitment of home training. He was noted by some members as to state as respective law and order in his residential area of Detroit, AL. Bro. Metcalfe has gained respect and discipline, orderliness, self-control with submission to authority and en- forced control. He stated the only thing that is presently heard in the area are air conditioners. We praise our friend and Bro. with such knowledgeable experience in Law and Order. OOOIIHOOOQOOOOOO YESTERYEARS, June 1954 - Reform News: Mrs. Hamp Glasgow and daughter of Adamsville were recent visi- tors of Mr. and Mrs. Tip Johnson. YESTERYEARS, June 1954 - Fairview News: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gay Waldrop of Antioch Commu- nity, a son. Mother and baby are doing fine. YESTERYEARS, June 1954 - Hightogy: Bro. and Mrs. Hank Hollis were spend the night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Johnson recently. STEPS TO SALVATION (part 3) Floriculture Team :  i i We are very proud of the Vernon FFA Floriculture Team. They placed 10th in the District Competition. They are left to right: Bree McNees, Lacy Murphy, Ashley McGee, and Tabitha Brewer. Great Work Ladies! We have now come to the final step. The first two steps (confess and communi- cate) lead us to the last step: comply. If one is humble enough to admit that he is lost in sin and that he needs help, then he will naturally do what he is told. We have an example of the three steps to salvation in Acts 2. Peter preached to a great multitude about Jesus Christ. He tried to convince his audience that Jesus, the one they had crucified, was both Lord and Christ (v. 36). We know that his sermon convinced many because verse 37 says that they were cut to the heart. They took the first step. The understood that they had committed a great sin and that they were lost. They then asked, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" (v. 37) Peter responded, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." (v. 38) How many of them were baptized? Those who took the second step: "Then those who gladly received his word were bap- tized..." (v. 41) Those who gladly received his word... I believe that is the key. Think back to the last article. Do you remember the two men who both had a disease? Naaman was the one who refused the prescribed cure. He was told to wash in the Jordan river seven times, but he didn't. Why? First of all, Naaman thought Eiisha would just wave his hand over the place and heal him (II Kings 5:11). Naaman was also a great commander in Syrian army. He might have been insulted when Elisha told him to wash in the dirty Jordan river. He thought to himself, "Are not the Abanah and the Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Could I not wash in them and be clean?" (v. 12) Why did he go away angry refusing the cure? Isn't it obvious? He did not gladly receive the word. The only ones who will be baptized for the remission of sins are those who gladly receive God's word. It was somewhat of a revelation to me when I came to understand that. I've tried and tried in the past to get people to take the third step without taking them through the first two. I can't convince you to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins if you don't believe you are lost. The Lord's command is not for you. You need to take the first step. I can't convince you to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins if you have already decided how you are going to be saved. The Lord's command is not for you. You need to take the second step. But if you are humble enough to admit that you are a sinner, and you've given up on working things out your own way, then let me hasten to ask you, "And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord." (Acts 22:16) I don't want to deceive you. There is more to salvation than just baptism, much more. Give me a call, and we'll sit down together and review all the Bible has to say about salvation. We'll even look at what you should do after you are saved. But please, whatever you do, don't wait! If you want to be saved, do it today!!! "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." (II Cor. 6:2) Livestock Judging Team We are very proud of the Vemon FFA Livestock Judging Team. They placed 2nd in the County Competition. They are from left to right: Chad Bozeman, Laura Christian, Ashley Turner, Jacob West, Ryan Reeves, Nathan Smith. Great Work! Second Highest Scorer in County Competition YESTERYEARS, June 1954 - Crossroads: Mr. and Mrs. Theron Aldridge and son were guests Sunday of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duck. YESTERYEARS, August 1954 - Vernon: Jimmie Bostick is spending this week with his father, Reedus Bostick, who is working in Montgomery, AL. Jacob West, left, is shown with Carl Woods. Jacob had the second highest score in the County Competition. Good Work ! ID ID Q O O • IHt I O Ib O O O tD • YESTERYEARS, June 1954 - Fembank: Mr. Wade Mordecai, who is attending Mississippi State, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Taft Mordecai. Wednesday, June Demetria Receives At Montevallo NI MON rE o,,7_ Demetria Wi . ® AL, is the recipient nority Te arship from the Montevallo. Wilson was recognized at ors The scholarship in response to age of minorit bama. The Montevallo College tion, with fundin the Alabama le the scholarship school or colic a record ol who agree to schools in years. Powdered rice great efficacy bleeding from LAlfa can rates in More and more" already low That's because so policyholders are counts for a safe certain purchasing insurance. .So for full rates, call your today. To everyone who voted for me io primary election, I would like to you for your vote of confidence. that you will continue your su the fall election and vote for the o0e' you know will work for you. Help Elect William "Bill" Commissioner, Distric! Pd. Pol. Adv. By William VernOn,/ Do You Receive A Check From The United States Governmeg00'., • • • P Effective now, almost everyone newly eligible for Govern Checks must have them directly deposited in their aceo' This will eliminate the need for paper checks. If you currently receive a check, you must arrange for Direct Deposit by Your money will be deposited in your account where it can't be lost, stolen Your money will genendly be ready by the third ofeaeh month. Stop in and let us help you arrange for Direct Deposit of your Government Citizens State Ban Vernon, AL Member